Monday, July 28, 2014

1000 Squat Challenge by Cassey from Blogilates

You read the title correctly: 1000 Squat Challenge. If you are not familiar who Cassey is, she is an exercise instructor and owner/creator of Blogilates. I am a dedicated fan to her videos and have utilized her regimen for a while now. She is known and famous for her Squat Challenge which has racked up 4.5 million views, respectfully. Now you are probably wondering why I brought up her recent challenge of 1000 squats. It is because I am in the process of doing that exactly, 1000 squats. Call me crazy, but it is worth a try though urging with caution. It is abnormal to do that amount of squats to your legs, glutes, quads, and calves which is why Cassey put up a disclaimer and warning, as I am too. Before writing this post, I just completed a little over 300 squats -- the peak of which I started to sweat. Now, I am pretty proud of myself because achieving a little over 300 squats while just starting to sweat is impressive in my opinion. Read further for updates on my goal to achieve 1000 squats.

Update: I just reached 550 squats and break. Physically I am fine, the increased heart rate is a little much considering I only reached a little over the half way mark. I am accompanied with a cup of water, and I cannot WAIT to hop in the shower though I feel invigorated and a little too sweaty. 

Update II: I reached a total of 800 squats. My legs feel like jello and I can only imagine how they will feel as I finish. I only have 200 more squats to go until I reach 1000 - words I never though I'd say because I never imagined doing 100 squats, let alone 1000. The next update may be my final update as I [hopefully] have reached 1000. If not, read along for my next update, and the update after that!

Update III: Very much back with my final update of 1000 squats. I did it thanks to the help of Cassey, my cats (will fill you in later), and water! I cannot tell you how I will feel tomorrow ... presumably sore and stiff, but I don't care. The 1000 squat challenge is a long-term achievement, the side effects are short. The final stretch of 1000 was fairly easy, I had to resort in using my carpet floor (sorry, tailbone) because my yoga mat is not with me at the moment. My joy with the carpet comes along with my cats. I was in my hallway, and they were watching me like I was a maniac, if you make it to 900 (congrats!), you will understand. 

Nonetheless, I learned the journey matters more than the number itself. Yes, I have completed 1000 squats but the journey in reaching 1000, is greater. I took breaks when needed, drank water, and stretched. I have no idea how Cassey did the challenge with no breaks, but regardless of this we were in it together. If you managed to do 100, 200, or even 50 - congratulations. Do not be hard on yourself because that is more than an average amount of people can do! If you are struggling, take breaks as long as you finish satisfied and remember to not focus on the number, rather the journey it took to reach your personal goal. 

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